Board Operations
OPERATIONS AND SUBCOMMITTEESCoastal Counties Workforce, Inc. (CCWI) performs its responsibilities for and through a network of three required boards, a regional One-Stop Operator, service providers, and the Maine Department of Labor (MDOL). There exists the business-led Coastal Counties Workforce Board (CCWB), also known as the Local Workforce Board, the county commissioner-led Chief Elected Officials (CEO) board, and a CCWI Corporate Board of Directors (comprised of our CEO Board and CCWB Leadership). Our board structure also includes a Youth Standing Committee and One-Stop Operator overseeing a coordinated approach to service delivery in our region. Working in concert, our boards, council, One-Stop Operator, and CCWI staff oversee the delivery of workforce services made available to the region’s local residents and businesses.
For a list of upcoming Board of Directors & Workforce Board meetings, please view BOD & CCWB 2025 Meetings Calendar.
Workforce Board
To ensure that the workforce system is focusing on the regional economy, the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) creates a system where states are divided into one or more workforce areas, controlled by a local workforce development board. Local boards have several important functions in the public workforce system. These business-led boards provide oversight for the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act programs, act as a catalyst to provide seamless services among various workforce programs, and provide community leadership around workforce issues.
By law, more than 50 percent of each workforce development board is made up of employer representatives from the community. Our Local Board represents businesses and is always interested in hearing from employers about their workforce needs, growth opportunities, and ways they would like to partner.
If your private business is interested in joining our board, please contact us for more information about board membership.
Christopher T. Arbour
Regional Correctional Administrator
Region 1 Adult Community Corrections
107 Washington Avenue
Portland, ME 04101
Email Christopher Arbour
(207) 592-2931
Derek Armstrong
Training Director
Local 716 JATC
21 Gabriel Drive
Augusta, ME 04330
Email Derek Armstrong
(207) 512-4584
Kate Bellmore
Vice President, Talent Acquisition Manager
Camden National Bank
245 Commercial Street
Rockport, ME 04856
Email Kate Bellmore
(207) 230-2027
Pamela Bennett
Senior Program Manager
United Way of So. ME / GPWI
550 Forest Avenue, Ste. 100
Portland, ME 04101
Email Pamela Bennett
(207) 347-2323
Justin Cotta Holmes
Financial Advisor
Baystate Financial
599 State Route 129
Walpole, ME 04573
Email Justin Cotta Holmes
(207) 446-3509
Samantha Fenderson, MA, CRC
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
5 Mollison Way
Lewiston, ME 04240-5805
Email Samantha Fenderson
(207) 753-9079
Kelly Flagg
Executive Director
Associated General Contractors of Maine
188 Whitten Road
Augusta, ME 04330
Email Kelly Flagg
(207) 650-5679
Neil Greenberg
Univ of ME Professional Staff Assoc.
214 Bacon Road
Charleston, ME 04422
Email Neil Greenberg
(207) 949-3986
Jaime Grover
Dynamics Fitness
152 US Route 1, Unit 18
Scarborough, ME 04074
Email Jaime Grover
Cory King
Executive Director
Bath Brunswick Topsham Regional Chamber
2 Pegasus Street, Suite 2
Brunswick, ME 04011
Email Cory King
(207) 649-5282
Robert Klaiber
CareerCenter Manager
Greater Portland CareerCenter
151 Jetport Blvd
Portland, ME 04103
Greater Portland CareerCenter
Email Robert Klaiber
(207) 822-3300
Jennifer Kopp
Supervisor, Talent Acquisition
5 Miles Way
Damariscotta, ME 04543
Email Jennifer Kopp
(207) 563-4558
Carrie Murphy
CCWB Chair
Director of HR
MaineHealth - Coastal Healthcare Alliance
Penbay and Waldo Hospitals
301A US Route 1
Scarborough, ME 04074
Email Carrie Murphy
(207) 299-2849
Thomas W. Nickerson, MSW
UMA Brunswick Center
Orion Hall
12 Sewall Street
Brunswick, ME 04011
Email Thomas Nickerson
(207) 442-7736
Brie O'Malley
Director ReVision Energy Training Ctr.
ReVision Energy
758 Westbrook Street
South Portland, ME 04106
Email Brie O'Malley
(207) 221-6342
Kelly Osborn
Executive Director
Bartlett Woods, Inc.
20 Bartlett Drive
Rockland, ME 04841
Email Kelly Osborn
(207) 593-1259
James J. Rather, AICP
Director of Strategic Initiatives
Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission
110 Main Street, Suite 1400
Saco, ME 04072
Email James Rather
(207) 494-2830
Jennifer Steeves
Human Resources Manager
CCB, Inc.
65 Bradley Drive
Westbrook, ME 04092
Email Jennifer Steeves
(207) 887-3235
Lydia Sy
CCWB Ex-Officio
Managing Director, Manpower
49 Community Drive, Suite 2
Augusta, ME 04330
Email Lydia Sy
(207) 622-153
Kate Van Savage
Manager, Talent Acquisition & Peak Employment
L.L. Bean
15 Casco Street
Freeport, ME 04003
Email Kate Van Savage
(207) 552-7882
David Watts
Director of Adult & Community Education
AOS 93 - Central Lincoln County Adult Education
767 Main Street
Damariscotta, ME 04543
Email David Watts
(207) 563-2811
Jim Whitten
Dean of Midcoast Campus & Satellite Centers
Southern Maine Community College
2 Fort Road
South Portland, ME 04106
Email Jim Whitten
(207) 741-5504
Robin Wood
Director of Human Resources
Reed & Reed, Inc.
P.O. Box 370
Woolwich, ME 04579
Email Robin Wood
(207) 386-5460
If you would like to receive the Board meeting packet, please email with your request.
January 23, 2025
9:00 - 11:45 am
9:00 – 11:45
MRRA Community Room, Brunswick
If you would like to receive the Board meeting packet, please email with your request.
Board of Directors
Charles Crosby III
Sagadahoc County Commissioner
752 High Street
Bath, ME 04530
Sagadahoc County Website
Email Commissioner Crosby
(207) 443-8200
Richard Clark
York County Commissioner
45 Kennebunk Road
Alfred, ME 04002
York County Website
Email Commissioner Clark
(207) 459-2312
Carrie Murphy
Executive Committee - CCWB Chair
Director of HR
301A US Route 1
Scarborough, ME 04074
Email Carrie Murphy
(207) 299-2849
James F. Cloutier
Cumberland County Commissioner
142 Federal Street
Portland, ME 04101
Cumberland County Website
Email Commissioner Cloutier
(207) 775-1515
Commissioner Ed Glaser
Knox County Commissioner
62 Union Street
Rockland, ME 04941
Knox County Website
Email Commissioner Glaser
(207) 593-6187
CCWB Vice Chair
Waldo County Commissioner
39-B Spring Street
Belfast, ME 04915
Waldo County Website
Email Commissioner Johnson
(207) 323-3767
Evan Goodkowsky
Lincoln County Commissioner
32 High Street
Wiscasset, ME 04578
Lincoln County Website
Email Commissioner Goodkowsky
(207) 882-6311
Lydia Sy
Executive Committee – Past CCWB Chair
Managing Director
49 Community Drive, Suite 2
Augusta, ME 04330
Email Lydia Sy
(207) 622-1535
March 7, 2025
8:45 – 10:00am
VIA ZOOM/Video Technology Meeting
April 30, 2019
3:00 – 4:30
MDOL – Augusta
8:45 – 11:00
CCWI Conference Room
8:45 – 11:00
CCWI Conference Room
Meeting cancelled
Chief Elected Officials
The Chief Elected Officials (CEO) Board is made up of the county commissioners in our region. There is one county commissioner from each of our six counties on this board for a total of six CEO members. The CEO ensures the development of an administrative budget for CCWI for the purpose of carrying out the duties of the local workforce development area. The CEO have fiduciary responsibility under the federal law and are liable for any misuse of the grant funds allocated to the local area under the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act.
Sagadahoc County Commissioner
752 High Street
Bath, ME 04530
Sagadahoc County Website
Email Commissioner Crosby
(207) 443-8200
Fax (207) 443-8213
James F. Cloutier
Vice President
Cumberland County Commissioner
142 Federal Street
Portland, ME 04101
Cumberland County Website
Email Commissioner Cloutier
(207) 775-1515
Waldo County Commissioner
39-B Spring Street
Belfast, ME 04915
Waldo County Website
Email Commissioner Johnson
(207) 323-3767
Richard Clark
York County Commissioner
45 Kennebunk Road
Alfred, ME 04002
York County Website
Email Commissioner Clark
(207) 459-2312
Fax (207) 324-9494
Ed Glaser
Knox County Commissioner
62 Union Street
Rockland, ME 04941
Knox County Website
Email Commissioner Glaser
(207) 593-6187
Evan Goodkowsky
Lincoln County Commissioner
32 High Street
Wiscasset, ME 04578
Lincoln County Website
Email Commissioner Goodkowsky
(207) 882-6311
For purposes of Coastal Counties Workforce activities, the County Commissioners for our six coastal counties region dovetail their meetings with the Workforce Board Leadership. The agendas and minutes for these meetings can be found under the Board of Directors tab above.
Youth Standing Committee
Our Youth Standing Committee offers a leadership opportunity bringing about change in youth programming and outcomes. The Youth Standing Committee is in a strong position to stimulate broad-based change, reward innovation, and improve performance in youth programming. This focused Committee coordinates workforce and youth plans in addition to creating a comprehensive plan for youth services and activities in our region. (Note: As a result of our One-Stop Operator project i.e., RFP and various Committee vacancies, this Committee is currently not convening. More details will be posted as they become available.)
If you would like to receive the Board meeting packet, please email with your request.
One-Stop Operator
Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) the Local Workforce Development Board, with the agreement of the Chief Elected Officials designate and determine the role for the One-Stop Operator (OSO). As of July 1, 2020 the Cutler Institute, Research Services Center which was selected as this area’s One-Stop Operator (OSO), commenced performance of the Workforce Board’s OSO functions. Three areas of focus for our OSO are: integrated service delivery, MOU/IFA development and engagement of employers within the Coastal Counties Area.
MDOE / Adult Education & Family Literacy Act (HUB 7)
Loring and Penobscot Job Corps
MDOL BRS Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired (DBVI)
MDOL BRS Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)
MDHHS OCFS / Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)
Portland Housing Authority / HUD Employment & Training Grants
Associates for Training & Development (A4TD) / SCSEP
MCCS / Carl D. Perkins Career & Technical Education Act
MDOL BES Trade Adjustment Assistance Act
MDOL BES Employment and Labor Exchange
Pathstone / National Farmworker Jobs Program
Partners & Industry
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